Sirshasana - Head Stand

"Sirsha" means 'head' in Sanskrit. In this pose the practitioner balances his body on the head..

  1. Fold a blanket into several layers to form a cushion on which the head will rest.
  2. Sit in front of the folded blanket on your knees and toes.
  3. The posterior should rest on your heels.
  4. Bend forward raising your haunches from the heels.
  5. Place your hand on the blanket.
  6. Fold your hands at the elbows and place your palms on either side of your head.
  7. Interlock your fingers and place them around your head.
  8. Lower your head and place the crown on the blanket.
  9. Press the back of your head with the finger lock.
  10. Press the back of your head with the finger lock.
  11. Straighten your legs and keep the feet together.
  12. Pull your feet further towards your head.
  13. Raise the heels to rest the feet on tiptoes.
  14. Press the head, forearms, elbows and toes on the floor.
  15. Give a gentle thrust downwards to get your feet off the ground.
  16. Straighten your knees to make the legs parallel to the floo.
  17. The trunk should be perpendicular to the ground.
  18. Keeping the feet together, adjust your body to maintain balance.
  19. Fold your legs at the knees.
  20. Keeping the legs folded at the knees, gradually raise the legs up.
  21. Ensure that your back is straight and thighs aligned to the trunk.
  22. Now open up the folded legs and stretch out your legs.
  23. Join the upright legs and attain balance.
  24. Stay put for five seconds in the final Sirshasana position.
  25. Return to normal supine position slowly in reverse order.
  26. Relax in Savasana.


                                                    • Sensitivity of all sense organs is enhanced.
                                                    • This yoga pose is beneficial to all the metabolic systems of the body.
                                                    • The pineal and the pituitary glands are stimulated and thus they function better.
                                                    • Bridge pose helps rejuvenate tired legs.


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